welcome friends...
I don't have much to say.
But nonetheless, here I am, talking. Welcome to my little site! I used to make html sites when I was 10 or 11 and obsessed with what I thought teenagers were doing (I was five years late, rip). They were never this intricate because at the time I was scared of css and only used tables (frames? I forgot the difference). BUT I did have one site with snow falling and like 12 pages--I was very proud of that one.
Now, I am a boring 22 year old relearning html (and css this time) to escape the onslaught of readings and discussion boards I have. Though I complain, I do enjoy my discussion boards (after I'm done, at least) and I plan to archive my favorites here. Who knows if I'll keep up with it though. You can find some already up under 'dbs'. If you like them, let me know :)
Anywhomst, this seems like enough to make this page not look so empty.
page ideas
- playlists
- pictures I've taken
- character page for my rabbit, Aoife
- knitting patterns
- mini-rants about things I love (~100 words)